As important as critical thinking is as an essential 21st-century skill, in practice, it is still a luxury good. Educators are teaching it at only the most elite schools to the most elite students. This means that students are coming to school every single day willing and eager to learn, but they are not getting very valuable critical thinking instruction. Shouldn’t all students have access to high-quality critical thinking instruction? We need a critical thinking revolution now!
This is why we couldn’t be more excited to attend the Spring Branch ISD Vendor fair on October 18th and meet face-to-face with educators from Spring Branch ISD, a Texas “District of Innovation” to explore ways we can partner and close the critical thinking gap. thinkLaw has been approved through Spring Branch ISD’s highly competitive process (and in 6 other Texas districts) because our powerful and personalized professional development helps teachers apply rigorous and engaging inquiry strategies that bring the Socratic method to life.
Because ALL students deserve the critical thinking instruction to help them shift from asking “What” and “How to” to “Why” and “What If.”
We want to invite you to be part of the critical thinking revolution so please be sure to stop by Table C during the fair. Holly-Maria and I look forward to connecting! Be sure to also not miss our presentation at 5:15 p.m.
To learn more about how thinkLaw is revolutionizing critical thinking, check out thinkLaw’s innovative approach here and watch my Shark Tank pitch at the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendent’s 14th Annual Education Summit
To learn how your school or organization can adopt thinkLaw’s standards-aligned program that helps educators teach critical thinking to all students, please click here to schedule a time to speak with someone on the thinkLaw team, call us now at (702) 318-7512 or join us on our next webinar; Thinking Like a Lawyer: Powerful Strategies to Teach Critical Thinking to All Students
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