“Colin Seale does the seemingly impossible, intricately weaving together concepts of critical thinking, social justice, equity
and empathy in a way that is accessible to all teachers of all students. ” – MR
Want to learn more about thinkLaw’s game-changing work to close the critical thinking gap?
thinkLaw partners with schools, districts, after-school programs, and other organizations in 42+ states to help educators teach critical thinking to all students through our K-12 supplementary critical thinking curriculum, and through powerful, yet practical professional development to help educators transform Tier 1 instruction. Colin Seale, our Founder & CEO, has written Tangible Equity: A Guide to Leveraging Student Identity, Culture, and Privilege In and Beyond the Classroom, and Thinking Like a Lawyer: A Framework for Teaching Critical Thinking to All Students, and frequently keynotes national and state conferences, along with convocations for school districts, podcast appearances, and contributing articles for Forbes, The 74, and Edutopia. Let us know below how we can partner to support your work!