Update on The BEE Project’s Inaugural Teaching Cohort

Last month, thinkLaw successfully launched The BEE Project. Our first cohort includes 17 Black and Hispanic teachers across multiple Arizona school districts. Each participant will be receiving $2,000 to earn their gifted endorsement through an equity-focused PL and clinical experience. This program is going to be a game-changer for many!

About The BEE Project

The BEE Project will pay Black and Hispanic teachers $2,000 to earn their state gifted credential through our unique professional learning and clinical cohort. 

The BEE Project inspires, trains, and advocates for Black and Hispanic teachers to equitably design and lead gifted and talented education programs through an asset-based framework that supports the unique needs of brilliant students of color and their families. 


With generous support from the Burton Family Foundation, The BEE Project will pay Black and Hispanic educators in Arizona $2,000 to earn their state gifted endorsement. Our combined clinical and professional learning experience gives Black and Hispanic educators the training they need to start, teach, lead, and operate equitable gifted and talented programs in their school systems.


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