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1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Speakers: Colin Seale + Andrea Pickens
Location: Coronado K
Identifying and serving Twice-Exceptional (2e) students is an equity issue many gifted educators struggle with. Teachers are told: “play to their strengths!” and left to figure out what that means without support. Discover how using low-floor/high-ceiling teaching strategies can create a classroom space where 2e kids can genuinely thrive and reach their full potential.
Learning Objectives:
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Speakers: Colin Seale + Katrice Quitter + Andrea Pickens
Location: Coronado K
Equity begins at the tier-one level of instruction. Learn about the journey of educators who brought practical but transformative gifted strategies to general education classrooms across the country and how their experience can be applied in your own backyard by exploring case studies of change at levels both micro and macro.
Learning Objectives:
“Informed Opinion” is a game that encourages kids to consider what information they need to know about a situation before they form an opinion about it. Players read real news headlines and take turns naming questions that would lead to a more informed understanding of the news story.
Click the button below for a FREE Informed Opinion game + instructions!
In this powerful conversation, Colin Seale, Founder and CEO of thinkLaw, joins Jill Hartsock & Jessica Mullen, of the podcast Adventures in Being Gifted podcast, to discuss how educators can reject “these kids can’t” syndrome and the power of teaching kids how to access their innate critical thinking gifts.
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