Arizona serves close to 100,000 gifted and talented students, and the largest convening of educators serving Arizona g/t students this year happens at the 2018 Arizona Association for the Gifted and Talented’s (AAGT) Annual Conference. thinkLaw is excited that one our amazing school partners, the Grande Innovation Academy, will be sharing their story of how they’ve been able to help their g/t students become better question-askers and problem solvers, and enhance their abilities to understand and appreciate different perspectives – a powerful tool, especially in today’s political and social climate during their workshop: Teaching Innovation & Critical Thinking. Amy Casey, GIA’s lead g/t teacher who had a chance to see thinkLaw Founder/CEO Colin Seale present at the Arizona Charter School Association Educator’s Conference this summer partnered up with her STEM and GIA’s Principal Barb Cushing, GIA’s STEM coach to use thinkLaw as a way to help students unleash their full critical thinking potential. GIA will be presenting on Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 10am in the Coyote Room.
And then on Friday, February 2, 2018 at 11:30am in the Flagstone Room, Colin Seale will be delivering his powerful workshop entitled: Making it Matter: Practical Critical Thinking Strategies to Motivate G/T Students to Think Critically. One of the most surprising challenges with g/t students across the country is the issue of motivation, especially as students get older. In elementary schools, g/t students are typically exposed to a rich curriculum with lots of project-based learning, creative opportunities, and activities with strong practical applications. But the typical path for g/t students in secondary education consists of honors and advanced placement courses – options that do not necessarily tap into our students’ sense of intrinsic motivation.
To learn more about how to adopt thinkLaw’s award-winning critical thinking program for your program for exceptional students please click here to schedule a time to speak with someone on the thinkLaw team or call us now at (702) 318-7512. Join us on our next webinar: Thinking Like a Lawyer: Powerful Strategies to Teach Critical Thinking to All Students
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