Little bodies. Big thoughts.- thinkLaw Uses Fairy Tales & Nursery Rhymes to Revolutionize Early Education Instruction

What if a lawyer’s critical thinking skills could be taught ALL children? Even to children in early elementary school? 

We believe that all kids should learn to look at problems and solutions from multiple angles and develop the critical thinking skills, habits, and mindsets they need to be successful 21st Century learners. However, critical thinking is still a luxury good. Educators are teaching it at only the most elite schools to the most elite students. This means that students are coming to school every single day willing and eager to learn, but they are not getting very valuable critical thinking instruction.  

Shouldn’t all students have access to high-quality critical thinking instruction? Of course, they should! 

That’s why we’re applying our approach to critical thinking to the youngest learners and revolutionizing early education instruction with our standards-aligned curriculum that uses fairy tales & nursery rhymes for earlier grades – because there are a lot of shady characters in children’s literature. 

The thinkLaw Early Elementary Edition (K-3) applies the same strategies employed by top law schools at an age and developmentally appropriate level for young children. The thinkLaw curriculum is simple and easy to follow; allowing anyone to facilitate high-quality instruction with minimal prep time. It’s designed to be 3 lessons a week for 10 weeks and includes 30 PowerPoints and 30 Lessons where each lesson is around 30 minutes with a pre, mid, and post assessment.  

Download your Early Elementary Sample Here

Critical thinking can no longer be a luxury good, and thinkLaw is already shifting this narrative. Call us now at (702) 318-7512 to learn how to adopt our Early Elementary Edition Program.  

To order a critical thinking assessment for your students or to learn how your school or organization can adopt thinkLaw’s standards-aligned program that helps educators teach critical thinking to all students, please click here to schedule a time to speak with someone on the thinkLaw team or call us now at (702) 318-7512. Join us on our next webinar: Thinking Like a Lawyer: Powerful Strategies to Teach Critical Thinking to All Students 

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