Message from Colin Seale, thinkLaw’s Founder and CEO
The strangest thing happened the other day. We were trying to create a Facebook ad to extend our reach beyond our 2,000+ plus followers with a simple message:Critical thinking should not be a luxury good. But this statement was flagged as a political message, which is now subject to heightened scrutiny on social media platforms.
This was a powerful reminder of the “why” behind this work. I often feel myself grappling with the tremendous struggle involved in supporting educators, parents, and school systems across the nation in the challenging effort to transform access to critical thinking. But in a world where saying that all students should access to this essential 21st century skill is flagged as a political message, there is still tremendous work to do.
Thanks for joining us in this work! Check out this newsletter to learn more about thinkLaw’s exciting new lessons in our Teachers Pay Teachers store and some of our latest publications from the thinkLaw blog so you can learn with us. And if you have not already requested your quote to get your thinkLaw partnership off the ground this year, it’s not too late!
Bring critical thinking opportunities to your school or district through thinkLaw’s professional development and curriculum to meet the socio-emotional needs of All students.Click here to get started.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Are you looking for an engaging, critical-thinking lesson to help you celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in your classroom? Separate is Not Equal, an Investigation and Discovery lessson focuses on the landmark desegregation case Mendez v. Westminster. And did you know that Disney tried to trademark The Day of The Dead? Have your students analyze this controversy from multiple perspectives in our More Than a Symbol lesson. To try both, download our bundle with both lessons today!

Conferences are expensive. One and done professional development workshops don’t always stick. So we want to make sure we bring the learning to you! Here are our latest learnings.
200ish Word Book Reports
It is much easier to buy a book than to actually read it! That’s why we are featuring two of our 200ish word book reports, complete with practical applications to the classroom. In our book report on the popular Malcolm Gladwell book Outliers, we talk about what it means to our instruction when we realize that there is no such thing as a “self-made” successful person. Outliers have had mentors, opportunities, and lessons to shape them into the successes they became, and educators can do the same. Our book report on Ian Leslie’s Curious discusses why curiosity is such a compelling notion for humans instinctually, and what we must do as to keep that spark going so we avoid becoming intellectually lazy. Follow thinkLaw on Twitter to get updates on our latest blog releases.
FREE Webinar: Gray is My Favorite Color
Using notions of justice and fairness to engage students in deeper learning is a powerful strategy to unleash their critical thinking potential. Watch this free, 45 minute webinar where Colin shares powerful, but practical strategies to close the critical thinking gap through social justice.

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