A Message from Colin Seale, thinkLaw Founder and CEO
What if we gave students the opportunity to BE the change the world needs? This month’s newsletter explains why I’m thrilled about three of thinkLaw’s latest projects will inspire educators and give them practical tools to unleash our students’ critical thinking potential: (1) our new Environmental Justice Edition; (2) Volume 2 of our Early Elementary Edition featuring folks tales from around the world (because it’s never too early to help K-2 students become 21st century global thinkers); and (3) our Hack-a-Thon for Social Change, our first experiential program that allows students to identify issues in their own communities and “hack” their own solutions using design thinking. So best of luck as you
Request a quote TODAY for thinkLaw’s award-winning curriculum and/or professional development for your summer or for the 2019-20 school year.
Summer Curriculum
Critical thinking shouldn’t stop during summer school session! You can take any thinkLaw Edition and create an atmosphere that fosters growth in mindsets and habits. Check out samples of our Common Core and TEKs-aligned editions and click here for a quote to start preparing your young learners to be the global leaders of tomorrow, today!
Request your quote for any edition today!
thinkLaw’s Environmental Justice Edition
The history of the world is, in many ways, the history of young people changing the world. So why not give your students the opportunity to use critical skill not just to analyze the way the world is, but the way the world ought to be? This is precisely why thinkLaw is excited to launch our new Environmental Justice Curriculum in time for 21st century summer school programs. These exciting lessons with project-based learning extensions are a rigorous and engaging way to unleash out students’ potential, so request your quote before it’s too late!
Students as Changemakers
What if every young person had the opportunity to change the world before graduating high school? This is precisely why thinkLaw is excited to launch our new Hack-A-Thon for Social Change in time for 21st century summer school programs and next school year. Learn more about this project-based learning experience, which is a rigorous and engaging way to unleash our students’ critical thinking potential. Request your quote before it’s too late!
Check Out Our April 2019 Offerings
This April, head over to thinkLaw’s online store now for our featured lessons. With the multi-billion dollar “March Madness” NCAA basketball tournament that is just wrapping up, students in upper grades will enjoy our “Should College Student Athletes be Paid?” lesson. Older students can also lend their expertise to the opiod epidemic and voter apathy with our “Another Kind of Pain” and “Why Don’t People Vote” lessons. And teachers of younger learners can try our “Chicken Little: The Original Fake News Story” lesson to start building a healthy sense of skepticism a lot earlier! Check out more lesson’s from our online store here.
Teaching the Truth about Meritocracy
“We need to teach students that not everyone needs merit to move ahead. We also need to teach students that merit alone is not enough.” Check out Colin’s latest piece in response to the college admission scandal and read about helping students master the power of networking, leverage differences as strengths, and defining success in their own terms. Read more.
Closing the Critical Thinking Gap with ELL Students
“thinkLaw’s partnerships with schools serving high populations of emerging bilingual students exemplifies what happens when we decide it is not okay to leave the genius of ELL students on the table. But as important as this mindset shift is, changing the narrative on critical thinking access requires practical shifts in how we expose students to deeper learning opportunities in schools and how we provide sustainable support for educators teaching these students in the general education classroom”
Read more about two of thinkLaw’s partnerships serving high numbers of emerging bilingual students and request a quote for ELL-focused professional development.
Colin Seale Featured on The TeachThought Podcast
“I’m kind of sick of stories like mine being exceptions to the rule. I truly want to create a universe where for kids with like stories like mine, achieving, excelling, and reaching their full potential is NORMAL!” Last month, Drew Perkins of TeachThought had Colin as a guest on The TeachThought podcast about the “why” behind his work with thinkLaw.
Listen now to hear thinkLaw’s Founder and CEO on The TeachThought Podcast.
Inviting Educators and Principals!
The thinkLaw Advisory Board (tLAB) board will advise, support, advocate, and deliver strategy and product feedback that will positively impact thinkLaw and the education community. This inaugural board will have at least five members that are comprised of diverse skills and experiences as thinkLaw partners. A member will have the capability to help shape the effectiveness of the program and receive beneficial experience serving on an inaugural board. The members will gain valuable networking opportunities with other like-minded individuals who are passionate about thinkLaw and teaching all students critical thinking skills.
The kickoff tLAB meeting will be held at the end of May and will be the first of four meetings for the 2019 year. The applications will be reviewed and board members will be notified of their status on May 10th by 5pm pst. Submit an application to make a positive impact on education with your trusted partner, thinkLaw!
The application and charter for the thinkLaw Advisory Board is now open and can be found here. Please send in the application form and an updated resume by April 30th at 5pm.
Support thinkLaw’s Critical Thinking Revolution with SWAG
With thinkLaw’s exclusive apparel, you can represent the power of critical thinking as soon as you walk into the room–be it a classroom, conference room or your living room. All sales help support thinkLaw’s work in schools across the country. Join our critical thinking revolution now by ordering your thinkLaw swag today!
TAGT Leadership Conference
Georgetown, TX | April 15-16
- The Bigger Picture: Leveraging G/T Education to Maximize Achievement for ALL Students
Scottsdale USD’s Gifted Parent Institute: The Road Map to SuccessScottsdale, AZ | April 17
- Defeating I Don’t Care Syndrome
Teach for America – Washington Resource FairSeattle, WA | April 27
CLASS Coalition’s 4th Annual Summit:Breaking Barriers for BrillianceNew York, NY | May 2-3
- Gifted Education for the Cool Kids
Washington State Charter School Association Conference SeaTac, WA | May 3-4
- Closing the Critical Thinking Gap: From Elementary To High School Through Parenthood
Request A Quote
Join thinkLaw’s Critical Thinking Revolution with our award-winning curriculum and professional development workshops!
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