Tune Into thinkLaw’s Facebook LIVE Broadcast @ 10:45am CST on Thursday, 10/12
There is a huge difference between serving “these” kids and serving “our” kids, and this difference makes the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents a powerful force in serving our country’s fastest student population and building a pipeline of phenomenal leaders that reflect the populations they serve.
With thinkLaw’s extensive work areas serving large populations of Latino students like Nevada, Arizona, Texas, California, and New York City, we are honored to compete with other innovative companies in ALAS’ Shark Tank Competition on October 12, 2017. thinkLaw’s Founder/CEO Colin Seale, Esq. and nine other representatives from other companies will be delivering 3 minute pitches to the entire audience of conference attendees. Then the audience will “vote with their feet,” attending a 30-minute presentation for the company they are most interested in (which should hopefully be thinkLaw). The company with the most audience members in their presentation room wins!
This year’s ALAS summit theme of “Leadership: Stepping Up to the Challenge” could not be more appropriate for the vast challenges and opportunities facing our students. As Colin notes, “[c]ritical thinking is the essential 21st century skill, but too many of our students miss out because of our decision to treat critical thinking as a luxury good.” So having the opportunity to share with this group of mission-driven leaders how thinkLaw is revolutionizing critical thinking instruction by giving educators the practical tools and support to teach critical thinking to ALL students is a powerful way to step up to this challenge.
Wish us luck, and check us out on Facebook Live! We will be going live around 10:45am central time, and sending out an updated time to our Facebook and Twitter followers once we know the exact time we will be pitching.
To learn more about the amazing work ALAS does or how to become a member of this fantastic organization, check out http://www.alasedu.org/.
To learn how your school or organization can adopt thinkLaw’s standards-aligned program that helps educators teach critical thinking to all students, please click here to schedule a time to speak with someone on the thinkLaw team, call us now at (702) 318-7512 or join us on our next webinar; Thinking Like a Lawyer: Powerful Strategies to Teach Critical Thinking to All Students
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