Nueva Innovative Learning Conference 2023

Nueva Innovative Learning Conference

For more information on thinkLaw offerings and partnerships, request a quote below.

Schedule: thinkLaw at Nueva

Friday, October 27th

11:15 AM – 12:30 PM

Speaker: Colin Seale

Tangible Equity: An Instructional Framework for Identity, Excellence, and Leadership In and Beyond the Gifted Classroom

School systems have formed their equity committees, written their equity plans, trained educators in implicit bias workshops, and conducted lots of book studies.  But what does educational equity look like on Tuesday morning for a 4th grade general education teacher?  For HS chemistry teachers?  How can educators prioritize the need to think with an equity lens with the pressures of ensuring academic success?  Why do some educators deeply believe in the promise of educational equity still struggle with inequitable academic and disciplinary outcomes in their own classrooms?

Friday, October 27th

1:45 PM – 2:45 PM

Panel: Deborah Cullinan, Jenny Martinez, Cornelius Minor, and Colin Seale

Moderated by Misasha Suzuki Graham

Cornerstone Conversation: Speak Up, Speak Now: Prioritizing Belonging in Our Schools

In recent years, we’ve seen the ramifications of an increasingly polarized society. How are we preparing students to enter and navigate a world that seems so divisive? How can we create belonging in our schools? What are some common misconceptions or challenges students and teachers face when trying to navigate the relationship between the values of free speech and diversity in the classroom, and how can these be addressed?
Speak Up, Speak Now: Prioritizing Belonging in Our Schools, the third cornerstone conversation at the 2023 Innovative Learning Conference, seeks to answer questions around fostering critical thinking and constructive dialogue, equity in education, creating belonging through interdisciplinarity, and more. 
Join Deborah Cullinan (Vice President for the Arts at Stanford), Jenny Martinez (Stanford University Provost), Cornelius Minor (educator and founder of The Minor Collective), and Colin Seale (founder of thinkLaw) in a panel moderated by Misasha Suzuki Graham (litigator and co-author of Dear White Women: Let’s Get (Un)comfortable Talking About Racism).

Friday, October 27th

3:00 PM – 4:15 PM

Speaker: Colin Seale

Discussing Controversy Without Becoming the Controversy

Students are often motivated most by issues of fairness and justice. But in a time when adults struggle to engage in civil discussion, how can educators ensure that they can discuss controversial topics in school without it going so sideways that they become the controversy? This thinkLaw workshop covers practical tools and strategies: tips for helping students disagree without being disagreeable, a framework for productive group discussions, and means of seamlessly integrating these strategies into standards-aligned instruction to avoid backlash, allegations of indoctrination, and other unintended consequences of making learning real for our students.

Books & Swag

Stop by and say hello to the thinkLaw team!

Grab a t-shirt, book, or get more information on a thinkLaw partnership.

Get your copy of Colin Seale’s bestselling titles:

  • Thinking Like a Lawyer: A Framework for Teaching Critical Thinking to All Students
  • Tangible Equity: A Guide for Leveraging Student Identity, Culture, and Power to Unlock Excellence In and Beyond the Classroom

Check out our swag shop for t-shirts and hoodies with our powerful quotes:

  • Doing Right > Being Right
  • Don’t Raise Your Voice. Improve Your Argument.