thinkLaw Annual Institute

Check out this year’s inaugural institute!

thinkLaw’s Institute Partnership Model Includes:

  • Professional learning that helps educators immediately apply strategies that embed critical thinking into existing Tier I instruction (so it’s not “one more thing”).
  • Supplemental curriculum that is standards-aligned & practical for teachers to build lasting skills for critical thinking instruction & higher-order questioning.
  • Tools for families to practice critical thinking with their children anytime & anywhere, in both English & Spanish.
  • National Institute kickoff event to start building this movement in your district.

This work isn’t about making moves.
It’s about building a movement.

We are inviting a diverse team of teachers, building leaders, and district administrators to work together to gain the practical
training resources & capacity-building tools to create a movement. Because
your people hold the power to spark a critical thinking revolution in your schools.

Do you want your district to be part of this transformational cohort?

Fill out the form below & our partnerships team will be in touch soon!