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Books by Colin Seale

Get your copy of Colin Seale’s bestselling titles:

  • Thinking Like a Lawyer: A Framework for Teaching Critical Thinking to All Students
  • Tangible Equity: A Guide for Leveraging Student Identity, Culture, and Power to Unlock Excellence In and Beyond the Classroom

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Thursday, February 8th

11:30am – 12:30pm

Speaker: Colin Seale

Room: Palo Verde 1

Cultivating Minds, Nurturing Justice: The Future of Critical Thinking In & Beyond Gifted Education​
In this interactive session, we will demonstrate how real-life legal cases can be used to promote critical thinking, social justice awareness, and discovery-based learning in K-12 students. Educators will leave with tangible strategies to bring complex critical thinking into any classroom through the use of compelling case studies spanning history to today. We will model thinkLaw strategies designed to support students with enhancing their critical thinking skills and dispositions. Participants will also discover how case studies can powerfully deepen social studies and ELA instruction while addressing intellectual empathy. By making critical thinking accessible and relevant for all learners, educators can elevate their practice to prepare students to navigate and lead in an increasingly complex world. Join us on this journey of insight and innovation as we reimagine what gifted education can look like in the next 50 years!

FREE Critical Thinking Game

“Informed Opinion” is a game that encourages kids to consider what information they need to know about a situation before they form an opinion about it. Players read real news headlines and take turns naming questions that would lead to a more informed understanding of the news story.

Click the button below for a FREE Informed Opinion game + instructions!

Shirts & Swag

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Check out our swag shop for t-shirts and hoodies with our powerful quotes:

  • Doing Right > Being Right
  • Don’t Raise Your Voice. Improve Your Argument.