Trotwood-Madison City Schools Critical Thinking Champions

Transforming Tier 1 Instruction

Welcome! We’re so excited to work alongside towards a critical thinking revolution! Before we get started, please do the following:

Before we get started, please:

  • Take a few moments to complete the Before the Learning Reflection
  • If you are interested, please explore the additional resources at the bottom of the page to learn more about the thinkLaw mission and work.

In our work today we give you permission to be selfish! This is your learning journey. Here are some helpful tools.

  • We’ll work today to create powerful examples. Access your thinkPractice Padlet here:
  •   Padlet Link
After the learning, please:

Making it Stick

We may be wrapping up our session together, but our critical thinking revolution is just beginning!

  • Be on the lookout for our follow up email series that will give you a fast instructional tip that you can try in your classroom immediately!
  • Join our Tangible Equity Facebook Group

Additional Resources