thinkLaw Founder | CEO Colin Seale was honored share the stage with City of North Las Vegas City Attorney Sandra Douglass-Morgan, successful firm owner, Berna Rhodes-Ford, Associate Director of Career Development and Judicial Clerkship Coordinator at the William S. Boyd School of Law at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Rachael Reese Adair, and Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of MGM Resorts, Uri Clinton at The Western Region of the National Black Law Students Association (BLSA) Academic conference to serve on an awesome panel entitled Career Success: Excelling during Summer Internships, Career, and Beyond.
From left to right, Berna Rhodes-Ford, Sandra Douglass-Morgan, Colin Seale, Rachael Reese Adair, Professor Rachel Anderson, and Uri Clinton
This honor had a special meaning to Colin because as a part-time law student who taught during the day, Colin did not have time to commit to any organizations but BLSA, where he served as the Vice President of Philanthropy and founded the Introduction to Law program at the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy. So it was especially meaningful for Colin to share his career journey with BLSA members from Nevada, California, and Arizona through teaching, child welfare, the law, and his innovative thinkLaw program.
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